
A small craving for jam...

Fortunately for strawberry lovers, one serving of berries offers 85mg of vitamin C, or 160% of the Recommended Daily Value.

Every day, research confirms that strawberries are an important part of a healthy diet. Eating just one serving of strawberries, or about eight of these sweet fruits per day, may help improve heart health, lower the risk of developing some cancers and lower blood pressure.

The heart-healthy and anti-cancer power of organic strawberries comes from their phytonutrient content, while the potassium in strawberries helps maintain normal blood pressure. Research also shows that individuals who eat strawberries on a regular basis have higher blood levels of folate, vitamin C and phytonutrients, and a higher intake of fiber than those who don’t eat strawberries. So, it appears that including strawberries in your diet might just help you achieve and maintain a lowered risk for developing certain diseases.